Saturday, April 27, 2019

Religion and Theology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Religion and immortal - Essay ExampleFrom this research it is clear thatone of the important aspects is to create a rapport with the barren person to enable them to open up. A coarse get by worker can only grant a remedy, if they have a perfect understanding of the problems or the pain the necessitous person is experiencing. A pastoral care provider must seek to know vital information regarding the problem the needy person is facing. This according to my inductors can only be achieved if the pastoral care worker creates an appropriate environment in which the needy person will cooperate exemplary. The success of pastoral care will lie down hugely on the skills of the pastoral workers skills in manoeuvring different situations.This study outlines thatpastoral care is therefore as structured process, which requires the pastoral workers to employ their skills and Christian teachings to resolve the different situations. From my field experience, tutoring is an irresponsible stag e, which provides the workers with initial skills to help them navigate some of the problems that may hinder the success of this form of counselling or care. Irrespective of the setting of the pastoral care, induction into the imperative aspects of practise is essential for any new pastoral worker.For one to receive pastoral care, he/she must come to the church and register. This is the system the church has completed to enable proper management of the program. In addition, the church leadership may also identify sight who they feel need pastoral care despite not being members of the church.

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